IOGP HSE statistics - 2019 - Logistics perimeter
- Fatalities by activity:
In the Oil & Gas E&P perimeter the number of fatalities has decreased from (31) in 2018 to (25) in 2019 which is a significant improvement despite a 1% decrease in working hours.
The activity with the highest number of fatalities reported by the IOGP member companies is 'Lifting, crane, rigging, deck operations' (24%) with 6 fatalities as a result of 6 separate incidents.
If we aggregate fatalities in the Logistics perimeter: Land Transport – Water Transport – Diving & Lifting, fatalities represent 56% of the total amount.
It can be objected that not all lifting activities are under Logistic Management, most of them are anyway. - Lost Work Day Cases by activity and cause:
Lifting activity represents a significant share of LWD cases: 9%
Logistic perimeter: Transports – Lifting - Diving represent 18% of LWD cases.
Of the 702 reported Lost Work Day cases resulting in at least one day off work, 551 incidents (78%) were contractor-related and 151 (22%) were company-related (604 and 163 respectively for 2018).
“Slips & Trips” – “Struck by” – “Caught between” represent 59% of total LWD cases. - Causal factors:
People (Acts) represent 53% of fatal incidents causal factors. - Conclusion:
The Oil and Gas industry is a very exposed industry and has developed since long very strict and efficient Safety Processes and Procedures resulting in a very low Fatal Accident Rate (FAR), still decreasing year by year (0,82 in 2019, against 1,01 in 2018).Logistics activity is one of the most exposed in the various trades of the Upstream sector.
The reasons are diverse and we can highlight the main ones:
1. Logistics Trade include a very wide variety of disciplines amongst the most dangerous: Transports – Lifting – Diving.
2. Some Logistic activities being low technical activities, are systematically locally contracted to Contractors having sometimes Safety standards lower than Company standards requiring time to be aligned.The figure highlight 2 essential information:
1. From Operator point of view, the necessity to control its Contractors through bidding SOW and Contract (78% of LWDC).
2. The Human Factor is a majority in the Fatal Incidents requiring Supervision and Training in addition to procedures.