Developing Project Sustainability
Social medias and globalization have moved petroleum business into a giant glass door theater. In the meantime, economic crisis, climate change and human rights expectations have given strength to the ones who think that Business Firms must take into account the global interest of the whole Society instead of the sole profit of shareholders.
Oil & Gas Operators have clearly understood this new reality and demonstrate ever growing efforts to fit it smoothly into their operational environments. However, Acceptability is never granted in a world were expectations change faster than technology.
This course, part of Adinergy’s Project Management courses, is designed to allow all Actors and Stakeholders of an Industrial Project of international size and coverage to have a common understanding and practice of this sensitive issue.
It provides tools and methodology to analyze and understand any working environment, as well as to develop proper tactics to boost and sustain business acceptability.
Observing that ethical failures may cause irreversible damages, the course insists first on Compliance and sets it as a sine qua none foundation for Oil & Gas business.
After having set the ethical basis, it focuses on cultural dimensions and proposes necessary insights to detect and decode, not only the visible evidence, but also the weaker signals of a different culture.
Filling the cultural gap is the necessary condition to fully participate to Company’s social achievement and thus contribute to business acceptability. The second module highlights that Company’s image and social impact are not only built by a dedicated CSR team, but must be the concern of every single employee.
In this respect, the course illustrates the power of successful Local Content initiatives and proposes methods to develop tailor made Local Content programs. It details the various tools and tactics utilized by the Operator to fulfill his legal Local Content obligations included duties vis a vis his Statutory Mentor and all stakeholders of the Project.
The training is available in two versions:
1. A short, one day duration, deals with individual Sustainability and helps preventing Compliance issues and cultural mismatch in order to turn challenging expatriations into truly successful experiences. It is also designed to local personnel, where the Project is developed, to confirm their ability to work and adapt in a multi-cultural environment.
2. The complete 2-days course expands on Corporate Sustainability through an innovative approach of Company’s Social Responsibility, including a Local Content Policy deployment.
The course is written by Pierre Lhermitte and will be delivered Pierre Lhermitte or Paul Adrian