20 August2022
2022 Adinergy's Objectives
Defining milestones and setting objectives is essential to develop a commercial project. It is the base of a ...

23 June2022
Le développement rapide de l’éolien offshore en Europe : un défi pour les ports
Article écrit par Adinergy pour le site Ports & Corridors Développer l’industrie ...

26 May2022
Les terminaux pétroliers et gaziers Africains profitent-ils des sanctions et embargo à venir contre la Russie ?
Le contexte de conflit entre la Russie et l’Ukraine rebat les cartes. Les sanctions de l’Union ...

16 March2022
New Course Release: Supply Chain & Logistics in Offshore Wind Industry.
Over the last 20 years, Offshore Wind Industry has become and essential and fast growing contributor to decarbonized ...

07 February2022
How Hydrogen could modify the geopolitics of energy ion the coming years.
A new study issued by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) called Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation: The ...