Physical Stock Management
- Duration in hours: 1 x 4h
- Module level: Foundation
Overview: This module is the last of the Material Management course and is interfacing the Stock Control and Optimization with the physical storage. Having an efficient stock control starts by following Good Practices and Procedures to properly physically keep the stock and ensure its integrity.
The module describes the role and organization of the Supply Base and defines the different areas where the Stock is kept: Warehouse, Yard, chemical storage...
Audience: Actors of the Supply Chain: Stock Controllers, Cost Controllers, Buyers, Logisticians but also members of the technical departments: Technical Administrators and members of the Duet.
Deliverables: Upon completion of this module the Trainees will have a throughout understanding of the Supply Base and the Good Practices to physically store and control the Stock.
Trainees will be able to efficiently design and manage a Supply Base ensuring the integrity of the Stock.
Certificate: The training will be completed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
- Supply Base Definition and Design: Supply Base Processes - Onshore Exploration Base Design - Offshore Production Base Design.
- Role of the Supply Base: Role of the Supply Base during the various phases of a field life: Exploration - Project - Production. Examples.
- Supply Base Description: The Warehouse – The Yard – Good and bad storage practices – The transit areas.
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