Materiel Management
Materiel Management is an essential actor of the Supply Chain. It takes a particular importance in the Upstream industry for which the cost of a rupture can be tremendous, without relation with the cost of the equipment itself. The downside may result in accumulation of material which is the opposite of business efficiency.
Where is the good balance ? This course will answer this question.
After having defined the Supply Chain in the Upstream Industry and positioned the Materiel Management within the Chain and the interactions with the other links of the Chain, the course introduces the Materiel and Stock Management. The introduction explains the financial approach of the Materiel Management, showing the financial impact of the Stock Value.
The second module describes the Stock Management in terms of Objectives, Definition, Procedures, Structure and Actors before introducing the Materiel Management Digital Software, key tools of the Supply Chain efficiency.
The third module covers the Stock Control Activities: The basics, the Master Data, the Stock Control Criteria, the General and Specific Processes.
The fourth module is the key of the Materiel Management efficiency: The Stock Analysis and Optimization: Methods and Objectives of Stock Analysis, the potential issues in Stock Control and how to solve them. It gives also some specific follow-up on top of the common Analysis.
The last module is about the interference between Stock Management and physical Stock Management: the physical storage activities, the Good Practices and the Inventory Management.
This course is primarily designed for Head of Stock Control and Stock Controllers.
It will also be beneficial for the other actors of the Supply Chain: Buyers, Logisticians (who have a strong involvement in Material Management and are involved in physical storage and preservation of Material) and also actors from the technical departments: Technical Administrators and end users who are working in Duet with the Stock Controller.
Upon completion of this course, the attendants to this course will understand the importance of an efficient Materiel Management and its impact on the Supply Chain Management.
They will use the methods of Stock Analysis and manage the tools to optimize the stock level hence contributing to the global efficiency of their Company.
They will also work better with the interfaces of the Material Management.
The training will be opened and closed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
Content of the Course

Definition of the Supply Chain & Introduction to Materiel Management
Overview: It is interesting to compare the Supply Chains of a...

Mission & Objectives of Stock Management
Overview: The simple argument that a rupture of...

Physical Stock Management
Overview: This module is the last of the Material Management course...

Stock Analysis and Optimization
Overview: After the review of the Stock Control processes, this module...