Typical Service Contract Conditions
- Duration in hours: 3 x 4h
- Module level: Skill
Overview: The Contract is the Master Tool Managing the relationship between the Company and its numerous Contractors and SubContractors. This legal document determines the share of Risks split between Parties. During the Life Field Cycle, Company with issue and sign thousands of Service Contracts, it is therefore essential for both Company and Contractor's Personnel to optimize the relationship by a sound knowledge of the Contract.
The course reviews in detail all the clauses of a Standard Service Contract as used in the Energy sector. All aspects are studied: The Performance of the Service, the Financial Conditions. Most importantly the Liabilities and Insurances aspects will be studied under the point of view of the split of Risks and Responsibilities between the Company and its Contractor. The conditions of Interruption / Termination, under Force Majeure situation or not, are also reviewed.
Audience: Contract Engineers, Contracts Administrators, any actor involved in the relationship between the Company and the Contractors. Technical Departments will also find interest in this course which covers the contractual aspects of their operational activity: They are the "owners" of these Service Contracts.
Deliverables: This module is a MUST for Head of Departments having to manage Service Contracts. It is essential to optimize the relationship with the Service Contractors.
Certificate: The training will be completed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
General: Status of the Parties – Contract Assignment - Subcontractor.
Performance of the Service: Compliance with the Contract Requirements - Duration – Mobilisation / Demobilisation – Measurements and Records – Company Property & Equipment - Contractor’s Personnel.
Financial conditions: Price structure – Price revision – Price perimeter – Invoicing conditions – Payment terms - Liquidated Damages.
Liabilities & Insurances: Various Liability principles – Insurances - Limitation of Liability.
Legal Clauses: Suspension/Termination - Force Majeure – Governing and Applicable Laws – Claims - Settlement of Dispute – Liens – Compliance with Laws.
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