Course: Budget and Cost Control

MOD01-Cost Control Fundamentals
The Missions of Cost Control in an E&P entity. The Master...

MOD02-OPEX Budget and Cost Control
OPEX Classification: Production / Transformation or Transportation...

MOD03-Budget & Cost Control of Logistics activities
Generic definitions of Budget and Cost Management Specifics of...
Course: E&P Technical Services Contract

Bids Analysis and Contractor Selection
Overview: The Bids analysis and Contractor Selection are the second...

Call For Tender for Service Contract.
Overview: The purpose of the Call For Tender is to select a competent...

Specific Service Contract Conditions
Overview: This module is a complement to module CT01-MOD04 -...

Technical Services Contracting Strategy
Overview: The preliminary step of a Contracting Strategy is the...
Course: International Freight Forwarding

Definition of the Supply Chain & Role of Transit in the Supply Chain
Overview: It is interesting to compare the Supply Chains of a...

International Air Freight Forwarding
Overview: This module is a deep study of the Air Freight organization....

International Freight Forwarding
Overview: The Transit function is aiming at transporting Goods from...
Course: Lean & Sustainable Warehouse Management

Oil & Gas Equipment Preservation & Identification
Overview: This course addresses the sensitive aspect of Equipment...
Course: Living Base Management
Course: Management of Upstream Logistics

Contractual frame of Logistic Operations
Compliance - Ethics: Definitions - Compliance Process -...

Definition of the Supply Chain
The Supply Chain in the Manufacturing Industry: Definition and...
Course: Materiel Management

Definition of the Supply Chain & Introduction to Materiel Management
Overview: It is interesting to compare the Supply Chains of a...

Mission & Objectives of Stock Management
Overview: The simple argument that a rupture of...

Physical Stock Management
Overview: This module is the last of the Material Management course...

Stock Analysis and Optimization
Overview: After the review of the Stock Control processes, this module...
Course: Negotiation in Purchasing and Contracting
Course: Offshore Marine Operations and HSE Management
Course: Purchasing & Procurement

Definition of the Supply Chain & Procurement functions description
Overview: It is interesting to compare the Supply Chains of a...

Procurement in Project
Outline: In an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC)...
Course: Road Transportation
Course: Upstream Logistics

Lifting & Handling
Overview: Lifting and Handling operations are inherent to many sectors...

Supply Base Management
Overview: The role and definition of the Supply Base will adapt to...