Project Contractual Strategy
- Duration in hours: 2 x 4h
- Module level: Skill
Overview: The Project Contractual Strategy is a key element of Project Management and in many aspects an essential step for a successful Project. It covers many aspects from Local Content Management to Packages definition and Contract definition. The Contractual Strategy mainly determines the split of Risks between the Operator and its Contractors.
Audience: Package Managers, Project Engineers, Contract Engineers who will directly participate to the definition of the Project Contractual Strategy.
Any stakeholders to a development project in the energy sector needs to understand the Contractual Strategy: Its perimeter and content.
Deliverables: Upon completion of this module, Trainees will have a deep understanding of how a Contractual Strategy is defined and the various elements included in it: The Patrimonial Agreements, the Local Content Management, the various types of Project Contracts.
Certificate: The training will be completed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
Compliance - Ethics: Definitions – Compliance Process – Exercise – Individual Ethics.
Legal Framework: The PSA / JOA / OPCO or JV - Influence of the Patrimonial Agreements on the definition of a Project Contractual Strategy.
- Local Content: How the local content requirements are integrated and managed in the Project.
Definition of Project Contracting Strategy: Project – Packages and various types of Project Contract – Types of Contracts – Remuneration Principles – Management of Interfaces.
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