Risk Management
- Duration in hours: 2 x 4h
- Module level: Skill
Overview: Risk Management is one of the Fundamentals of the H2SE Management System. It integrates the Identification of the Hazards within the Entity or a Job, the Assessment of the Risk through its Probability and Severity, the Identification of Control or Mitigation Measures. The Continuous Impprovement Process imposes to continuously re-assess the mitigated Risk in order to ascertain its control and acceptable level.
This module studies the Process as described above and the Methodology used to manage the Risk. It also describes the main tools used to Assess and Control the Risk. The Trainess will used the tools through team exercises.
Audience: This module is intended to everyone working in an operational Entity. All Departments - Support, HSE or Technical - need to Control the Risks of its activity and use the tools and methods necessary to this control: Hazard Identification - Risk Assessment - Job Risk Analysis - Permit To Work.
Deliverables: This module is a MUST and will improve the capacity of everyone to identify, assess and mitigate Risks in his activity and Environment. It is an essential element of the H2SE Culture of everyone working in the Energy sector, exposed to high potential Hazards.
Certificate: The training will be completed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
- Hazard identification: HAZID Methodology – HAZID in Project – HAZID in Drilling Operations.
- Risk Management: Risk Assessment Methodology - Video & Exercise.
- Job Risk Analysis: Definition - The JRA Step by Step - Exercise.
- The Permit To Work System: Overview of the PTW System: Different types of WP - Description of the WP System - WP Roles and Responsibilities - Major Rules - Video - Conclusion.
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